Have you thought about hiring a Personal Chef?

How many times do you eat out each week?  How much do you spend going out each week?  How much food do you throw away each week.? Are you tired of eating the same thing all the time? Do you need to save money on fuel?  Do you want to save money in the grocery bill? When you go to the grocery store, does your shopping cart have more junk food rather than wholesome and nutritious ingredients?   Do you wonder what is for dinner, most times?  Do you have a sweet tooth that seems to never be satisfied?  Can I afford  to hire a personal chef?  What are the benefits of hiring a personal chef?


Most clients would say because they do not have the time to prepare quality and healthy meals.  Most Personal Chefs clients help both single parent homes and  two parent homes, where both parents work outside of the home. Both Parents most times are busy fulfilling their purpose on earth.  For the single parent, they are working most times two or more jobs trying to make ends meet.  Clients of Personal Chefs normally get home after a long day at work, go to the kitchen, open the refrigerator, and wonder what is for dinner.  Other clients just stop by the local fast food restaurant and purchase a meal.  Stopping by the restaurant, most times means not making the best healthy choices.  A few clients of a personal chef, may need to get a grip on their budget.  Hiring a personal chef could really help you budget.  Another reason would be you just need help with losing weight.  A personal chef will get to know what your likes and dislikes are.  They will get to know what food allergies each person has in the family.  They carefully prepare meal plans that are tasty, and nutritional. They try to help with creating meal plans for children, whom some may call picky eaters.  Hiring a Personal chef can minimize waste too.  In your initial consultation, your personal chef will talk about portion sizes. You can let them know if you want smaller portions, or larger portions.  Your personal chef could also help create a more healthy dessert.  Your personal chef’s goal is for you to have very little go into the trash.  You can even have him make lunch so you don’t have to go to a restaurant for lunch the next day.


Have you tried a personal chef before?  If so, what did you like most about them, and what did you dislike most about them?

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