Everything In Its Place!!

This is a Disorderly Kitchen!

The picture above shows how a kitchen should not look.  It’s one of the first things I learned in Chef School.  Everything Got a Place and Everything in its place.  Order is important when it comes to your kitchen.  You should have a defined place for everything, Pots, Pans, Silverware, Spoons, Plates, Cleaning Towels,  Broom, Mops,Cleaning Supplies, Even the ingredients.  If you pay the bills around the kitchen, you should have a dedicated place where the bills go to wait to be paid in the kitchen.  I think most people have a junk drawer in the kitchen where all the miscellaneous items go.  When everything is in its place you can easily know what you need to get more of when you go out to the store.  It helps you not to get too much of an item.  It also minimizes things from being broken, and helps you to find an item when you are ready to use it.  

Make sure everything has a place.  Every night after dinner Make it a habit to make sure everything is in its assigned place so when you get up in the morning, you start fresh.  It is a great feeling to come down to the kitchen and the kitchen is clean and organized.  When the kitchen is in chaos, it throws the whole day off, and it sometimes could make you feel hopeless.  There are nights things just don’t go according to plan.  If that is the case, don’t sweat the small stuff, just take care if as quickly as you can.  The more you stay on top of it, it makes it simple on the days when life happens

After you have created a place for everything, then you have to show the rest of the family where everything is.  You are only one person.  Your spouse, and children 7 years and up can help in the kitchen.  We have a saying in my home, “If you don’t work, you can’t eat.”  I have assigned age appropriate tasks for each member of the family.  I have walked them all around the kitchen to show them where everything goes. When it is their turn, they help put away dishes, pots, and pan.  When everyone is involved with keeping the kitchen clean and in order, it makes everyone know how important they are to the system you have created.

Do you agree or Disagree?  Please make a comment and let me know what you think.

If you need help bringing your kitchen to order, please contact me by email Chefrobert@yourwisechef.com.  Video Chats with Chef Robert Available Tuesday mornings!  

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